How You Can Help!
There are so many ways that you can help change the world for a homeless or abused pet in need! You can make a difference!

Last year, hundreds of thousands of loving dogs and cats were killed in shelters just because they didn’t have a safe place to call home — but you can change that by fostering!
Feel good about helping animals in need.
See the results of your labor.
Develop new skills and knowledge.
Meet new like-minded people.
Encourage civic responsibility.
After years of rescuing homeless and abused pets we know that we can do more! We envision an environment where animals can feel safe, where they have shelter, food, and love and where they can wait for someone to see them and love them and give them a home of their own.
Adopt or Sponsor a Special Needs pet and change their life forever.
Special Needs Dogs
Special Needs Cats
Leave a lasting legacy to help save the lives of animals in your will!
When making or revising a will, you should obtain the assistance of an attorney. The following are suggested forms for making various types of bequests to PetPromise:
The following provision in your will creates an unrestricted bequest, which assures that your gift will be used where it is most needed.
Specific dollar amount:
“I bequeath the sum of $_____ to PetPromise, Inc., an Ohio nonprofit corporation having a principal place of business in Columbus, Ohio, Federal Tax ID #31-1690791, to be used or disposed of as PetPromise in its sole discretion deems appropriate.”
Percentage amount:
“I bequeath the sum of (___ percent) of my estate to PetPromise, an Ohio nonprofit corporation having a principal place of business in Columbus, Ohio Federal Tax ID #31-1690791, to be used or disposed of as PetPromise in its sole discretion deems appropriate.”
Share of or entire residue of estate:
“I devise and bequeath (all) (___ percent) of the remainder of my property to PetPromsie, an Ohio nonprofit corporation having a principal place of business in Columbus, Ohio Federal Tax ID #31-1690791, to be used or disposed of as PetPromise in its sole discretion deems appropriate.”
Insert the conditional language in one or more of the above provisions. For example:
“If my husband [wife] does not survive me [or other condition], I bequeath the sum of $_____ to PetPromise, an Ohio nonprofit corporation having a principal place of business in Columbus, Ohio Federal Tax ID #31-1690791, to be used or disposed of as PetPromise in its sole discretion deems appropriate.”
You may want to designate your gift for some special purpose within the scope of PetPromise's mission. You can restrict the use of the principal, income, or both in this fashion:
“I bequeath the sum of $_____ to PetPromise, an Ohio nonprofit corporation having a principal place of business in Columbus, Ohio Federal Tax ID #31-1690791, for the following use: ________.”
If you designate your bequest for a specific purpose, we request that you include the following will provision to ensure that your gift will continue to provide for PetPromise's needs. For example:
“However, I impose no legal or equitable obligation in this regard.”
or, “If in the judgment of PetPromise it becomes, or is likely to become, impossible or impractical to accomplish the purposes of this gift, the income or principal, or both, may be used for such related purposes and in such manner as determined by PetPromise."

Donate items using PetPromise's Amazon Wish List. Quickly and easily purchase food, litter and other supplies you wish to donate and Amazon ships them directly to us. Click here to shop for Dog & Puppy food & supplies or Click here to shop for Cat & Kitten food & supplies that we've picked out. It's an easy way to donate supplies, and help the cats & dogs in our care!

You can help the PetPromise pets – just swipe your Kroger Plus Card!
Follow the instructions below to choose PetPromise as your charity of choice and PetPromise will receive a portion of the proceeds from EVERY purchase you make at Kroger!
Step-by-step instructions to register your card online for PetPromise:
Click on Sign In/Register. -
Click on My Account and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step.
Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input your Kroger Plus card number.
Update or confirm your information.
Enter KE333 or PetPromise and select PetPromise from list and click on confirm.
To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see PetPromise's name on the right side of your information page.
If you use your phone number at the can call 800-576-4377 and select option 4 to get your Kroger Plus card number. -
You'll need to swipe your registered Kroger Plus card or use the phone number associated with your card when shopping for each purchase to count.
Help us feed the dogs, cats, kittens and puppies in our care so that we can help more pets waiting to be rescued! Donate Cat Food or Donate Dog Food to pets in need. THANK YOU!