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We have a dream....

The PetPromise Building Fund & Sanctuary Campaign


OUR VISION:  The PetPromise Community Adoption Center


Our goal is to begin our journey toward a cageless/semi-cageless community adoption center for cats (and eventually dogs). After years in the making PetPromise is back on track to launch a fundraising appeal to establish the future PetPromise Community Adoption Center.  Our goal is to start by securing a leased retail space where we can provide a cageless "Cat Campus" where cats and kittens can live while they wait to be adopted and where members of the public can visit, spend time with and adopt PetPromise cats and kittens, volunteer, and learn about ways to help end the homeless pet crisis in our community.  The PetPromise Community Adoption Center will be a cageless animal care and adoption center designed specifically to house homeless cats and kittens in an environment that is comfortable, home-like, safe and happy for them and for the people that visit the center.


The overall concept is that people and animals will spend their days together…not separated by cages, kennels, or glass. The PetPromise Community Adoption Center will be a place where people from all walks of life can gather to spend time with pets…to sit with them, play with them, or just share time together. We envision large open spaces…communal living for cats and kittens with natural light. (We eventually envision expanding to a Dog Campus as we grow into a larger space.) A place where a volunteer or visitor can sit down, read a book with a cat on their lap (or eventually) to gather to watch a game while two dogs lie next to them.


The Cat Campus will feature open communal cat and people living areas with cozy ledges and vertical spaces, wifi, comfortable seating and a real feeling of "home" for our cat residents and visitors and volunteers. (We imagine that the Dog Campus will be made up of large open spaces for communal cageless dog fun and a homelike feel with dog agility equipment, comfy furniture, doggy dens, meeting spaces for visitors, and a large fenced outdoor garden for the dogs to enjoy.)


(Of course, the center will have an isolation area where new pets are quarantined prior to entry into a group setting.  We envision a space for on-site grooming and a medical area (for vaccinations, vet checks, and grooming) as well as an area for storage.


This progressive concept in caring for homeless cats and dogs and bringing people and pets together will be a model for animal adoption centers everywhere.  We intend to start small with an Adoption Center for cats and kittens in a modest sized retail space in a busy retail center that will attract people to come to learn more about PetPromise and what we do and to meet our cats and kittens looking for homes.  We believe that the success of this concept will allow us to eventually grow into a larger/separate space that will accommodate dogs and puppies as well. We believe that true animal rescue is not just about saving the dog or cat and providing shelter…but it is as much about how those animals live life while they are in our care. We want the PetPromise Community Adoption Center to be a place that is happy for the pets that live there as well as the people who come to visit.


We are seeking monetary donations of any size to prefund one year of leased space and a build out of the space for the first PetPromise Community Adoption Center.  Our goal is to secure approximately $70,000 to cover the expected cost of a year’s worth of rental for the space, utilities, the build out of the space, and furnishing and supplies so that we can open our doors and welcome the public in to help us save the lives of hundreds of homeless pets in 2025!  


We need your help to fulfill this dream. Your financial support, whatever you can give, will take us that much closer to making the first PetPromise Community Adoption Center a reality in 2024. Wouldn't you love to be part of this groundbreaking undertaking and help us  take this giant step toward being able to help so many more pets in 2025 and beyond!


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