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  • Vet Check

  • Vaccinations

  • Treatment for fleas & worms

  • Spay/Neuter Surgery

  • Microchip 


  • Kittens (0-1 year)   $120

  • Adults (3-7 years)  $100

  • Special Needs/Seniors (8+ years)  $75


Gray Brown Tabby

DOB:  Approx: August 15, 2018


Pixie was a sweet little kitten whose mother died. She was raised by a PetPromise foster and adopted by a family when she was just a baby. She was so happy in her home...she loved her family, she loved being the center of their world. They had children and she loved the children. They dressed her up and carried her around and she was so happy. Everything was great.

Then, a stray cat showed up one winter night and the family couldn't leave him outside and thought that Pixie would like to have some company anyway. As the days turned into months, things did not go well. Pixie was not happy with this new intruder into her happy life. She did not like this cat and she made that very clear. She still loved her family very much, but she screamed at the other cat and swatted him and refused to tolerate him in her house. She got moody and hid and was upset by everything that happened in her life. She became so stressed that she stopped eating and hid under the bed most of the time.

We were called by her adopters and agreed to take her back. She was dehydrated and had a uri...and was overweight. Since she has been in her foster home...she has been so happy. She is the only cat and loves her fosters. It took her a couple days to realize she was safe but as soon as she did, she was on her fosters' laps, kneading away...letting them know she loved them.

Pixie is out and about, playful, loving and cannot wait to see her fosters walk in the door when they get home from work. She is the sweet girl that she was before. She would love to have a home again where she can be the only cat. Where someone will love her forever not matter what. She would obviously do best in a home without other cats. If you think you can give sweet Pixie a second chance at a happy life, please complete and Adoption Application at:


Buff Tabby DSH Male
DOB:  Approx: June 2021


Sweet Noah has had a horrible life and he is the sweetest boy. He once must have had a loving indoor home because he sat at the windows of homes in the small town outside Dayton…longingly looking in and begging with little paws on the windows to be let in.

The residents in the town put food out for him but there were many outdoor kitties in the area…so many thought he had a home somewhere. Then one day two unleashed large dogs rushed into the yard where Noah was sitting and broke into the fenced area where he ran for cover. A neighbor came out screaming when she saw the two dogs viscously attacking Noah and she rushed to his rescue.

Noah was barely alive when he was rushed to the vet. He almost lost an eye and went through a long recovery period where even the vet wasn’t sure he would make it. But the sweet strong loving boy lifted his little head one day and head bumped the neighbor that rescued him when she visited and they all knew he was fighting hard to stay alive.

He recovered…and during his recovery it was discovered that he had FIV (which is the cat version of human AIDs.). While cats with FIV can live long healthy lives, it is an immuno-deficiency disease that means that viruses that other cats can quickly overcome can be deadly to him. And while FIV is not easy to pass to other cats (it requires a bite wound to transfer to another cat) being around healthy cats that carry even minor viruses or being in a home where there is a lot of change or stress can cause the FIV to become full blown FIV.

So poor Noah…just when it looked like he may finally have a good future ahead has been served another round of bad luck. Who would ever adopt him knowing that he will need to be in a nice calm home without a lot of stress, without a lot of other cats, in a home where he will need to see the vet for blood tests at least once a year to make sure everything is okay inside. Now Noah has to be labeled as a special needs cat …and that means that he will most likely be overlooked when people are picking out a kitty to adopt.

Noah deserves more than this for the rest of his life. Could you give this sweet boy…a boy who loves everyone but who has had a horrible life so far…a home where he can be lived and protected? If you can give him a chance to have happiness for the rest of his sweet life, please complete an Adoption Application!


Tuxedo DSH Female 
DOB:  Approx. 01/02/2024


Sweet little Oreo had been living outside during the winter.  People in the neighborhood put food out for her and she gratefully accepted any scraps of food she was given and wandered away to find shelter under a bush or shed.  She never complained, never tried to push in, never cried, she purred when she was petted and accepted the food she was give from the people in the neighborhood.  She knew people were good but she knew she wasn't wanted so she accepted what she got and was a good girl and left when the door to the warm homes closed.


Then on a very cold night in January, something happened to her....she was hurt and she couldn't use her foot.  Her leg and paw hurt.  She made her way to the first house and there was no food, and then to the house that always fed her and the door opened and the nice lady came out with food.  It was cold, snowy and windy....but the nice lady was there with food.  Oreo hopped over to the bowl and knelt down to eat.  The nice lady saw that she was hurt and picked her up and carried her into the warm house.  


Oreo was so happy.  There were several other cats in the house that weren't happy to see Oreo but Oreo didn't care she felt safe and warm.  Oreo's rescuer couldn't leave Oreo out in the cold with a hurt leg that she couldn't walk on so she contacted PetPromise and agreed to foster her while we looked for a forever home for her.


Her leg and paw are healed and she was spayed and vaccinated and tested and she is the sweetest little girl. She is so thankful just to be inside with people.  She is staying in a small room in the foster's home and loves everyone she meets. But she is afraid of the dogs and cats int he home.  (She had to survive on her own outside so she is afraid.)  She needs a home of her own where she can be loved and where the other cats (if there are any) are gentle and kind to her.)

Can you open your home and heart to this sweet thankful little tuxedo girl.  She will be your best friend if she is given the chance to be someone's girl.  Please complete an on line Adoption Application today!



White/Tabby Patches DSH Male
DOB:  Approx: February 5, 2024


Meet Pickles.  Pickles was found under a large delivery truck at the Dicks Sporting Goods Loading dock.  The workers there saw blood under the truck and it was a lot of blood!  Then they saw a little cat walk out. He had blood all over the back half of his body and he had no tail.  He looked up at them and meowed.  He was asking for help.  He had obviously been up inside the truck (who knows for how long or where it came from) trying to stay warm when his tail was severed by a blade or fan in the engine of the truck. 


The Dicks employees gathered together and one of them took Pickles to the vet to see if there was anything that could be done for him. The vet treated him for pain, gave him antibiotics, and kept him for two days at the vet care center.  The employees picked him up (pooling all of the money they had to cover the bill) and called PetPromise to see if we could help.  


One of our new foster Moms stepped up to foster the big boy (who was barely more than a teenage cat himself).  He is in his foster home now and he is going through treatment to help heal his amputated tail.  He gets laser treatments weekly and he is starting to heal.


But despite everything this sweet boy has been through he is the happiest, most friendly boy you will ever meet.  He loves people, stands on his hind legs to get head pets, he loves to follow his foster Mom everywhere, and he LOVES food!  (He had been pretty emaciated when he was found so he hadn't been eating regularly and now he wants nothing more than to gobble up whatever is available!)


He is almost healed and will be ready to be the love of someone's life.  This boy is going to make an amazing best friend for someone.  

If you are looking for a very smart, funny, outgoing (and very very lucky) boy, Pickles is the perfect cat for you!  And if you can make a lifetime commitment to this very special boy, please an online adoption application 


Tortoiseshell DSH Female
DOB:  Approx: June, 2019


7 UP is a sweet little  girl who is so people focused, she wants to be with you always. 7 Up was bottle fed as a tiny kitten and is super attached to people. Bottle babies are called "velcro cats" for a reason - they love to be touching you!  She will be the biggest baby and the best friend you will ever have!  If you love snuggles, and love to be doted on by someone...this little girl is for you!

7 UP had crystals in her bladder and needed surgery to remove them and the surgery to remove the bladder stones was successful.  This is not unheard of in cats...and while she will need to be on a special urinary diet and will need to be watched for signs of bladder stones she will live a totally normal, healthy and loving life with the person who promises to love her for the rest of hers. 


 As long as she is fed the correct wet/dry food, 7 UP should not have a major event but any adopter needs to understand her dietary needs.

Please do not overlook 7 UP for her medical issues. She is the sweetest, most loving, little girl we know and she has been passed around from foster home to foster home waiting for someone to pick her.  

If you can give this little tortie girl what she has been waiting for her whole life, please complete an Adoption Application today!


Brown Bengal Tabby Mix Female
DOB:  Approx: May 2, 2024


Sweet little Ruby was born on May 2, 2024, along with her two sisters and two brothers under a chicken coop. When she was barely two weeks old Ruby’s Mana left her kittens and something happened because she didn’t come back.

The neighbors heard kittens crying under the coop but there was nothing that they could do….until that night when the babies started to crawl out trying to find food and warmth. It was very cold that week especially for May. Ruby was the first to make it out. Her eyes were barely open, she was cold and starving. Her litter mates were close behind, barely able to walk…wet, cold and hungry.

When PetPromise arrived after hearing about these kittens, little Ruby was the first one to cry out when we picked her up…she nuzzled into our blanket…wet and cold and crying. One of her brothers had died before we arrived…and the second little boy died as we raced to get them help.

For the first 7 days after they were rescued we didn’t know if any of the three little girl kittens would live. They were all starving and weak…too weak to drink from a bottle…they had to be syringe fed. Every day we held our breath hoping they would hang on fur another day and grow…and they did.


Ruby was the biggest of the three girls…she was the Bengal mix with her perfectly spotted belly and her brown tiger stripes. She was the first to love people and the first to our…and she purred every time she was picked up even as a baby. She was the smart, active little one…learning to climb up the bed to cuddle with a person, the one to lead the others to the warm bed for sleep.  She is the gentle cuddler that loves to play but will choose to come over and sit quietly with a person if you are there.  As soon as you pick her up she purrs and purrs.  She isn't happier than when she is with a person cuddling.  

Ruby is the sweet beauty of the litter and is a very special little girl. If you can open your heart and home to her and promise to keep her safe and loved for the next 15-20 years, please complete an on-line Adoption Application!


Black & White Tuxedo 

DOB:  Approx: March 10, 2021


Sweet little Bonnie. She has had some very bad breaks in life. She was dumped outside and had been living on her own for at least several months. She was fed in

the neighborhood by various people...but despite the fact that she tried to come inside that winter...looing in people's windows... no one took her in. She sat outside the doors of homes that fed her hoping that someone would be kind enough to let her come in and be warm and part of a family but no one did. Everyone knew the little black and white kitty that went from home to home that winter looking for someone to welcome her into their family...but no one had the time, space, or the inclination to take that step and rescue her until one couple finally did. They noticed her. They saw her.

When they opened their door, and Bonnie rubbed on their legs and did circles around them they knew they had to help her. They took her inside (they had their own cat and thought that Bonnie would be a perfect addition to their household). They isolated her for the first day and they were in love. Bonnie was the sweetest cat in the whole world. After all of those months outside...she was thrilled to be inside with PEOPLE! She was beside herself purring rubbing, she even forgot to eat when her people were around. She was so happy. And the rescuers adopted her. She was the sweetest cat they had ever met! She was perfect!

They took her to the vet that week to get her spayed and tested, vaccinated and ready to become part of their family. And then they got the devastating news: Bonnie was FeLV (feline leukemia) positive. This means that Bonnie has an illness that will most likely mean that she will not live a full long 15-20 year life. It also means that she should not live with cats that do not have FeLV because she can potentially transmit it to them (not to people or other types of animals) and also because they can give her colds and other things that they can carry that can be devastating to a kitty with a compromised immune system.

Now, please know that a cat having FeLV is NOT A DEATH Sentence (see: ) We have had FeLV+ cats in our program that have lived to be 9-11 years old. They still have so much love and life....we hope that someone will please give this girl, who wants so much to be part of a family...and thought that she was finally going to have that happy ending, a home where she will be loved for the rest of her sweet life.

If you have a huge heart and can give Bonnie a home...and make whatever life she has (whether its 1 year or 11 years) the best years she can have....please complete an Adoption Application. We promise that you won't regret it!


Black DSH Female
DOB:  Approx: April 15, 2024


Sweet little Chia was all alone int he world. She was just a baby kitten when she was dumped along in a parking lot of a hotel on the West side of Columbus. It was a hot hot August day and she went from door to door crying until a man came out. She was crying so hard he thought she was hurt and hurt bad. The rescuer called us and we picked the baby up immediately. We checked her over and could find nothing wrong with her. And as we were checking her she started to purr. And purr and purr. She was just terrified, hungry and was asking for help.

Chia is one of the sweetest kittens you will ever meet. She is being fostered with three other little girl kittens that are just about the same age and she has become part of their "litter." They all wrestle and play...and when the foster comes into the room they all go running to be cuddled and held.  Her favorite thing in the world is to have her neck (underneath her chin) and her back scratched. You will be her best friend forever if you do this. She will seek you out and want to be with you all of the time if you just scratch her neck and back a few times!


Chia loves everyone she meets. She can't help but purr when she is with a person or when she is being petted. She does great with the other kittens. She is full of life and the cutest little girl you will ever meet.


If you can open your heart to this baby and commit to keeping her safe for the next 15-20 years, please complete and on-line Adoption Application...and bring this little girl home forever! 


Gray Brown Tabby


DOB:  Approx: January 20, 2024


Rufus was just a baby kitten when he was left in an empty apartment in southern Ohio (near Ohio University campus) when his owners moved away.  He was so scared when the painters came in that he squeezed under the kitchen cabinet and stayed hidden until the people left.  He then lived in that empty apartment by himself (when he was just 3 months old!)  We don't know what he ate or drank but he managed to survive.  

When the new girls moved into the apartment, they didn't know Rufus was there living under the kitchen cabinets.  They were living in the apartment for two months when they started noticing was being opened (bread bags had holes in them, parts of donuts were chewed on, parts of sandwiches left on the counter disappeared.  


They were worried they had some sort of animal living in the apartment. And then one night one of the girls saw a little tabby cat run through the kitchen, grab a french fry that fell on the floor and squeeze under the cabinet.  Maintenance came the next day and had to take the cabinets out in order to retrieve the little kitten that had spent the last 4 months of his life living under the counters coming out only to eat.

Pets were not allowed in this apartment so the girls called PetPromise and we had to rescue this kitten that beat all odds to stay alive for all of that time surviving on scraps of food he could find and never being seen or caught for almost 4 months!  He was very scared, he hadn't seen the world. The only life he knew was the darkness of the night and the darkness under the cabinet.  But even after that he was sweet and gentle.  He went to a foster home and then was moved to another foster home.  And for the first time in his life, he got to live with people, eat during the day without being scared...and slowly this little boy began to trust and build confidence.


Now he loves people and other cats.  He is very gentle, and sweet.  He can be a little timid with new people but as soon as he knows that you are good, he wants to be with you.  He has a trusting little soul...and we cannot imagine how he survived and still has such a sweet little loving heart.  He is ready for his own home and would od best where he is with people who are loving and understanding and where there is another kitty that wants a little brother.  He loves the company of other nice cats...and of people that he can trust.  He just needs someone that will see him and let him know that he is safe and loved...


If you can make a commitment to care for this sweet little guy for the next 15-20 years, please complete an on-line Adoption Application and be the happy ending to his rescue story.

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